Joint market surveillance actions JAHARP2021 Omnibus

Project JAHARP2021 Omnibus

JAHARP2021-10 project – Support to Article 4

The Joint Market Surveillance Action on HARmonised Products 2021 Omnibus (JAHARP 2021 Omnibus) is a portfolio of projects co-funded by the European Union (EU). It comprises 7 product areas and 3 horizontal/capacity-building activities, to be implemented in synergy in a 24-month period. In total, 45 Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) from 25 countries participate in this portfolio.

JAHARP2021-10 is one of the three projects on horizontal activities carried out within JAHARP 2021 Omnibus project and it is aimed at supporting the efficient implementation of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 on market surveillance. The total budget of JAHARP2021-10 project is €111,106 with EU funding of € 99,995 (90 %). 5 Market Surveillance Authorities from 4 countries are involved in the activity starting from 01.07.2022: Belgium, Bulgaria (SAMTS and KZP), France and Portugal.

JAHARP2021-10 Objectives:

• To establish an understanding of the degree to which Article 4 implementation has so far been achieved, the associated challenges and improvement opportunities.
• To deploy measures by MSA’s for better implementation of Article 4 and actionable proposals for a more effective regulatory framework.
The project aims to deliver:
• Operational guidelines and checklists for MSAs on Article 4
• Recommendations to the Commission on review of Article 4 and its guidance documents (if necessary)

The following tasks are required regarding Article 4:

• An exchange of views between key stakeholders regarding implementation so far
• Discussion between key stakeholders of early results and problems from implementation
• Draw up recommendations for MSAs and EO’s on best practice for implementation
• Draw up recommendations for improvements and changes to Article 4 and related requirements and documents.
What must be done next:
• Improvement of the awareness and understanding of the obligations of EO’s
• Improvement of the compliance achieved by EO’s
• Achieving maximum improvement of the compliance with the MSA’s limited resources
• Specifically: By 16 July 2023 the Commission must prepare an evaluation report on the implementation of Article 4 (2019/1020, Article 42, §3). It is anticipated that this project will assist the preparation for evaluation of Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 by December 2026.

Expected results:

• Summarize experience to date of MSAs and EOs
• Improvement in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/1020
• Higher profile for market surveillance
• Development and promotion of best practices
• Recommendations to address challenges and exploit opportunities.