Project EEPLIANT 2

Start of the EEPLIANT 2

Action on Market Surveillance of EU Energy Label and Minimum Efficiency Requirements

The EEPLIANT2 Action has been officially launched with a conference held on 3 October 2017 in Brussels. The key objective is to help deliver the intended economic and environment benefits of the EU Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Directives by increasing the rates of compliance with their energy efficiency requirements.

This will be achieved through the joint monitoring, verification and enforcement activities of 18 Market Surveillance Authorities and a national agency. The action will have a transnational impact across the EU Single Market.

The project is coordinated by PROSAFE and funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 framework. The following countries are represented within the project: Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, and Sweden.

Over the next 30 months, the project participants will review and test energy performance of household refrigeration appliances, professional refrigeration products, and the energy consumption resulting from appliances on network standby.  Products will be sampled from the market following a risk-based approach. In case of any noncompliance found, the market surveillance authorities will take appropriate enforcement action on their own markets.

EEPLIANT2 has been designed not only to assist authorities in verifying energy consumption of hundreds of specific products found on the EU market, but also to facilitate the cooperation with other stakeholders, such as industry associations, in achieving higher level of awareness and higher rates of overall product compliance with the EU legislation requirements.

This project builds upon the work of EEPLIANT2014 that had measured the energy consumption of LED lamps, heaters and printers and verified their compliance against the energy efficiency related requirements.

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Contact us:
Ioana Zlotila, Deputy Executive Director
Avenue des Arts/Kunstlaan 41B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel:+32 2 8080 996

Background information
This information is issued by PROSAFE and the market surveillance authorities representing 17 EU Member States in the EEPLIANT2 Action. The Action is coordinated by PROSAFE (Product Safety Forum of Europe), a non-profit organisation that brings together market surveillance officers from all over Europe and across the world. Visit to learn more. On this website, you will also find more information about the other Joint Actions coordinated by PROSAFE.

This newsletter arises from the Action EEPLIANT2, which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 752591.
The content of this press release represents the views of the author and it is his sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. EASME does not accept responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.