Joint market surveillance actions JAHARP2022

The Joint Market Surveillance Action on Harmonised Products - JAHARP2022

Project Coordinator: PROSAFE

Timeline24 months

The Joint Market Surveillance Action on HARmonised Products 2022 (JAHARP2022) is a group of five of European Union (EU) co-funded projects coordinated by PROSAFE.

In total, 25 Market Surveillance Authorities (MSAs) from the 16 following countries participate: Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden.

The objectives of JAHARP2022-01, JAHARP2022-02, JAHARP2022-03, JAHARP2022-04, and JAHARP2022-05 are:

  1. Keep non-compliant and/or dangerous products outside of the Single Market.
  2. Support the application of the new Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020.