Project: BG16RFOP002-2.103-0001 “Supporting the development of sustainable competitiveness and favorable business environment for SMEs by strengthening technical capacity of the quality control bodies for liquid and solid fuels of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance”
On 12.11.2021 the project of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance BG16RFOP002-2.103-0001 “ Supporting the development of sustainable competitiveness and favorable business environment for SMEs by strengthening technical capacity of the quality control bodies for liquid and solid fuels of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance” started.
The implementation period of the project is 24 months, the total project value is 1 000 000 leva.
Main activities:
- Activity 1: Construction of a testing laboratory for quality control of solid fuels for domestic heating;
- Activity 1.1: Limited construction and installation works for establishment of a testing laboratory for quality control of solid fuels for domestic heating at SAMTS;
- Activity 1.2.: Supply of furniture for the testing laboratory for quality control of solid fuels for domestic heating at SAMTS;
- Activity 2: Supply of measuring and testing equipment for the needs of the quality control of solid fuels for domestic heating;
- Activity 3: Supply of measuring and testing equipment for the needs of the quality control of liquid fuels;
- Activity 4: Insurance of the fixed tangible assets delivered under the project..
This project aims to enhance technical capacity of the bodies of State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance carrying out the quality control of liquid fuels and solid fuels for domestic heating in order to ensure a favourable business environment for SMEs and at the same time to ensure the protection of the cleanliness of ambient air and the environment.
The control carried out by SAMTS over compliance with the legal requirements for the quality of solid and liquid fuels will ensure equal market conditions for all participants as well as improvement of the business environment for SMEs, ensuring the protection of citizens’ rights through compliance with environmental and health standards and at the same time the process of protecting the cleanliness of ambient air and the environment will also be supported.
The procedure of direct financing is realized with the financial support of Operational Programme “Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020, (OPIC), under Priority Axis 2 “Entrepreneurship and capacity for growth of SMEs”, Investment Priority 2.2 “Capacity for growth of SMEs”, co-financed by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund.