EEPLIANT – Energy Efficiency Compliant Products 2014
Project Newsletter n˚2 / June 2016

1) EEPLIANT project summary

The EEPLIANT project was designed to help deliver the intended economic and environment benefits of the Energy Labelling and Ecodesign Directives by increasing the rates of product compliance with them.

The EEPLIANT project team, consisting of 13 Market Surveillance Authorities from across the EU, organises coordinated monitoring, verification and enforcement activities, including product testing of LED lamps, printers and heaters.

In addition to the product testing activities, the project also ensures an inspection of the products’ technical documentation, defines market surveillance best practices and shares these among the participating market surveillance authorities, but also the other national and regional authorities within the EU, and ensures regular communication and awareness activities, targeting e.g. the professional stakeholders, the civic society, governments, etc.

More about the project: and

2) Key activities

Within the 2015 – 2018 period, the EEPLIANT project focuses on the energy label and ecodesign compliance verification of the following product groups:

  • LED lamps: document inspection and full scale testing of LED lamps
  • Imaging equipment: product testing of the imaging equipment covered by the industry’s Voluntary Agreement within the Ecodesign Directive
  • Space heaters and combination heaters: document inspection and product testing of space and combination heaters under 400 kW

Each of the product categories selected by the project has the following set of activities undertaken throughout the project:

  • Document inspection – verification of the technical documentation which the suppliers have to make available to authorities upon their request – relevant for LED and boiler testing, the imaging equipment is regulated by the Energy Star requirements;
  • Screen testing – undertaking of preliminary tests to identify and assess the likelihood that a certain model would fail full compliance testing;
  • Coordinated compliance testing – full scale testing of a selected number of models, in part preselected from the range of models failing the screen testing stage.

For more information, see:

3) Latest news

MSA guidelines and training: the best practice on energy label and ecodesign market surveillance has been elaborated and shared with the 13 authorities participating to the project, and also made available to all other relevant authorities throughout the EU.

The best practice has been shared internally within the surveillance staff and training focused on the general approaches as well as the product related specifications has been conducted within the project.

More info:

LEDs: Information on the packaging checked, as well as the declaration of conformity, and the  models considered as high risk of noncompliance continued for laboratory testing.

Document inspection for 138 models has been conducted, including a screen exercise for 117  models. Full testing of 81 LED models now under way, including the lifetime and other performance  parameters, such as colour rendering, power factor, power, beam angle, etc.

Some of the project partners – national surveillance authorities, have already started formal actions  with suppliers, based on inconsistencies found in formal documentation.

More info:‐packages/wp4‐led

Printers: 40 models within the scope of the voluntary agreement, replacing the ecodesign regulation, have been selected for laboratory testing.

Project action includes a laboratory tender and full scale testing, and negotiating directly with the manufacturers on results observed.

More info:

Heaters: Combination heaters with 70-400 kW capacity using oil and gas and heat pumps within the project scope. Some 17 models expected to undergo full scale testing.

Project action includes not only document inspections and laboratory testing, but also round robin exercise ensuring all results would be evaluated in a coherent way. Templates for document inspections and information requirements created and shared among authorities.

More info:

4) Follow us!

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Background information

This information is issued by PROSAFE and the market surveillance authorities representing 12 EU Member States in the EEPLIANT 2014 Action.

The Action is coordinated by PROSAFE (Product Safety Forum of Europe), a non-profit organisation that brings together market surveillance officers from all over Europe and across the world. Visit to learn more. On this website you will also find more information about the other Joint Actions coordinated by PROSAFE.



This PROSAFE press release arises from the Action EEPLIANT 2014, which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 649894.

The content of this press release represents the views of the author and it is his sole responsibility; it can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME) or any other body of the European Union. EASME does not accept responsibility for any use that may be made of the information it contains.