Directorate General "Quality control of liquid fuels"
GD QCLF is a part of the specialized administration within the SAMTS structure. The Directorate carries out its activities to meet the requirements of the Law on ambient clean air and the Renewable energy sources law. Its main activity is related to the quality control of liquid fuels on the territory of the whole country for compliance with the requirements to them specified in the Ordinance on the requirements for liquid fuels’ quality and on the conditions, procedure and method of their control.
Contact Person:
eng. Vangelia Ivanova, Director General
Tel.: + 359 2 975 38 12;
Fax: + 359 2 9861 707
Directorate General QCLF
Scope of activity:
The strategic goal of SAMTS activity carried out by the Directorate General “Quality control of liquid fuels” is to reduce the emissions of harmful substances and to improve the quality of ambient air on the territory of the whole country by implementing effective control of the quality of liquid fuels, mixtures of biofuels with liquid fuels of petroleum origin as well as of pure biodiesel, as the activity is carried out according to the Law on ambient clean air, Renewable energy sources law and Ordinance on the requirements for the quality of liquid fuels, the conditions, order and manner of their control.
Directorate General “Quality control of liquid fuels” carries out:
- Monitoring and control of liquid fuels for which requirements for quality and content of biofuel in liquid fuel are established; performing actions on ascertaining the liquid fuels’ compliance with the requirements for quality and content of biofuel in liquid fuels by carrying out checks of the persons who: place or import liquid fuels on the market, distribute, transport, store or use liquid fuels;
- Undertaking activities for ascertaining the compliance of liquid fuels with the requirements for quality and content biofuel in liquid fuels, such as
- Verification of documents that accompany the liquid fuels;
- Sampling liquid fuels;
- Testing samples in the mobile and/or stationary laboratory or when necessary assigning tests to external accredited laboratories;
- Carrying out expertise of the test results and preparing expert conclusions and finding reports on the compliance of liquid fuels with the regulatory framework requirements;
- Pursuant to Art.30в, para.1 of LACA and in connection with Art.22, para.9 of ORLFQCPMTC applies the requirements of the dispute procedure in compliance with the requirements of БДС EN ISO 4259-2 and prepares expertises for compliance with the regulatory framework requirements;
- Imposing coercive administrative measures such as:
- Issuing mandatory prescriptions for temporary suspension or prohibition of the placement on the market, distribution or use of liquid fuels in the cases when, under the verification of documents accompanying fuels, violation has been ascertained or when non-compliance with the regulatory framework requirements has been ascertained;
- Issuing mandatory prescriptions for withdrawal of liquid fuels from the market in the cases when the results during a dispute procedure ascertain the non-compliance found out or when the results from the findings reports are not appealed in the relevant order;
- Undertaking actions against persons issuing conformity declarations of liquid fuels which do not comply with the regulatory framework requirements;
Preparing information about the quality of liquid fuels and submitting it to the Ministry of Environment and Water for the preparation of annual reports to the European Commission. The report on the monitoring system is prepared on the base of the test results of liquid fuels sampled during the inspection of pre-determined monitoring sites in the previous year.
Accredited testing laboratory for fuels, lubricants and additives of the DG “QCLF”, EA BAS Certificate No. 35-ЛИ/30.10.2024, valid till 30.10.2028, issued by virtue of BAS Order No 671/30.10.2024.
Address, e-mail |
Contact person |
Phone |
DG ”Quality control of liquid fuels” Sofia 1784, Prof. Mutafchiev St., no.2 E-mail: |
еng. Vangelia Ivanova Director General |
02 975 38 12 |
DG ”Quality control of liquid fuels” Sofia 1784, Prof. Mutafchiev St., no.2 E-mail: |
Ivo Atanasov Deputy Director General |
02 975 38 12 |
Department „Control and methodology” Sofia 1784, Prof. Mutafchiev St., no.2 E-mail: |
Aneta Pateva Head of department |
02 975 38 12 |
Regional Department “Inspection and control of liquid fuels quality Sothern Bulgaria (RD ICLFQ SB)” Office Sofia Sofia 1784, Prof. Mutafchiev St., no.2 E-mail: |
Sergey Todorov Head of department |
02 975 38 12 |
Office Sofia Sofia 1784, Prof. Mutafchiev St., no.2 |
G. Dimitrov G. Bachvarov I. Lazarov S.Raev |
02 975 38 12 |
Office Burgas 8010 Burgas, q. ”Slavejkov”, Prof. Y. Yakimov St., № 25 |
G. Chobanova D.Stavrev |
056 860 142 |
Office Plovdiv Plovdiv 4000, Sankt Peterbourg blvd., № 2 |
N. Mitovska N. Kazaliev |
032 622 979 |
Office Haskovo Haskovo 6300, Bulgaria Blvd., № 152 |
E. Dimitrova D. Ivanova |
038 664 890 |
Regional Department “Inspection and control of liquid fuels quality Northern Bulgaria (RD ICLFQ NB)” Ruse, 7012, Maria Luiza St., № 19 E-mail: |
Demir Shafranov Head of department |
082 820 296 |
Office Ruse Ruse 7012, Maria Luiza St., № 19 |
A. Mangozova | 082 820 296 |
Office Pleven Pleven 5800, Doyran St., № 27 |
E.Petrova G. Tsanov |
064 823 186 |
Office Varna Varna 9000, q. ”Vladislavovo”, Mourgash St., №5 |
G. Petkova Zh. Petrova Zh. Minkova |
052 750 317 |
Department “Testing Laboratory for liquid fuels, lubricants and additives” Sofia, 1784, 2 ”Prof. Petar Mutafchiev” St., E-mail: |
Mariela Kuzdova
Acting Head of Departament |
02 876 15 32 |
Sofia 1784, Prof. Mutafchiev St., no.2 |
Tatyana Shopova Head of sector |
02 876 07 81 |
Pleven 5800, Doyran St., № 27 |
Georgi Panchev Head of sector |
064 821 604 |
Burgas 8010, q. ”Slavejkov”, Prof. Y. Yakimov St., № 25 |
Pencho Penchev Acting Head of sector |
056 860 145 |
- Law on ambient clean air
- Renewable energy sources law
- Ordinance on the requirements for liquid fuels’ quality and on the conditions, procedure and method of their control