General Directorate "Market surveillance"
Contact Person:
Miroslav Yotov, Director General
Tel.: (+359 2) 939 67 25
Fax: (+ 359 2) 986 17 07
Scope of activities:
General Directorate “Market surveillance” carries out market surveillance (checks and monitoring) of products placed on the market in the following fields:
- Toys;
- Electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits;
- Facilities regarding electromagnetic compatibility;
- Machinery including equipment for use outdoors relating to the noise emission in the environment;
- Gas appliances;
- Pressure equipment;
- Simple pressure vessels;
- Personal protective equipment;
- Construction products;
- Radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment;
- Transportable pressure equipment;
- Recreational crafts;
- Pyrotechnical articles;
- Explosives for civil use.
General Directorate “Market Surveillance” is administratively structured in “Control and Methodology” Department and 6 Regional Departments: Southwestern Bulgaria, Northwestern Bulgaria, Northeastern Bulgaria, Northern Central Bulgaria, Southeastern Bulgaria and South Central Bulgaria.
Address, e-mail |
Contact person |
Phone |
Fax |
DG “Market surveillance” Sofia 1797, blvd. G.M.Dimitrov blvd., no. 52A |
Miroslav Yotov Director General |
+359 2 939 67 25 | +359 2 986 17 07 |
DG “Market surveillance” Sofia 1797, blvd. G.M.Dimitrov blvd., no. 52A |
Asen Todorov Deputy Director General |
+359 2 93 96 736 | +359 2 986 17 07 |
Department ”Control and methodology” Sofia 1797, 52A, G.M.Dimitrov blvd. |
Nina Kostova Head of department |
+359 2 939 67 21 | +359 2 986 17 07 |
Regional Department MS Southwestern Bulgaria Sofia 1797, 52A, G.M.Dimitrov blvd. |
Galia Bojadjieva Head of department |
+359 2 939 67 35 | +359 2 986 17 07 |
Regional Department MS Northeastern Bulgaria 9000 Varna, q.”Vladislavovo”, 5, Mourgash St. |
Nargis Shukrieva Head of department |
+359 52 750 332 | |
Regional Department MS Northern Central Bulgaria Veliko Tarnovo, r.a. Akacia, 1A Chumerna St., room 9 |
Evgeni Atanasov Head of department |
+359 62 654 992 | |
Regional Department MS Nordwestern Bulgaria Lovech, 24 Targovska St., house Preslav, fl. 3, room 314 |
Veselinka Besheva Head of department |
+359 68 603 215 | +359 68 603 215 |
Regional Department MS Southern Bulgaria 4000 Plovdiv, 67 Sankt Petersbourg Blvd. |
Todor Kesyakov Head of department |
+359 32 633 149 | |
Regional Department MS Southeastern Bulgaria 8010 Bourgas, POBox 9, q.”Slavejkov”, 25 ”Prof. Yakimov ” |
Nina Stoyanova Head of department |
+359 56 860 140 |
- Law on technical requirements for products;
- Law on protection against harmful influence of chemical substances and mixtures;
- Waste management act.
Ordinance on the conditions and order for carrying out market surveillance, adopted on the basis of Article 30e of the Law on technical requirements to products, regulating GD “Market surveillance” activities.
Ordinances, adopted on the basis of Article 7 of the Law on technical requirements to products, regulating GD “Market surveillance” activities.
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of toys;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of radio equipment;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of electromagnetic compatibility;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of machinery;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of machinery and equipment for use outdoors relating to the noise emission in the environment;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of gas appliances;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of pressure equipment;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of simple pressure vessels;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of personal protective equipment;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements of buildings and conformity assessment of construction products -repealed;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of recreational craft – repealed;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of recreational crafts and recreational crafts for personal use, adopted by PMS 388/30;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of transportable pressure equipment;
- Ordinance on the requirements for marketing of electrical and electronic equipment and treatment and transportation of waste electrical and electronic equipment;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmosphere;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of explosives for civil uses;
- Ordinance on the essential requirements and conformity assessment of pyrotechnical articles;
- Ordinance for additional measures related to the implementation of the regulations adopted in accordance with to article 15 of Directive 2009/125/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products.
Regulations (EC) Nos.: 1275/2008, 107/2009, 244/2009, 245/2009 & Amendment to 245/2009, 278/2009, 640/2009, 641/2009, 642/2009, 643/2009 & Amendment to 643/2009, 1015/2010 & Amendment to 1015/2010, 1016/2010, 305/2011 (Delegated Regulations 568/2014 and 574/2014), 327/2011, 206/2012, 547/2012, 932/2012, 1194/2012, 617/2013, 666/2013, 813/2013, 814/2013, 66/2014, 548/2014, 1253/2014, 1095/2015, 1185/2015, 1188/2015, 1189/2015, 1428/2015.
Directive 2000/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.